вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

diamond emerald prince

I am McSleepy. Working 6-7 days a week is very tiring, not sleeping in sucks major.

Saturday, my first day off in 3 weeks, was spent with my Physics group building a catapult. Yes, we�did it. It is built and it is awesome. Not totally awesome, but we did build it in�4 hours. Marbles to launch out of said catapult are damn hard to find. We went to target and to publix and no marbles Luckily, Brodieapos;s sister had a set of Chinese solitaire, so we had marbles.

You have to hold down the back of it when launching (weight issues in back) and it doesnapos;t go very far, but dammit, the prof never said it had to be powerful We are bringing it in for her inspection today. Wish me luck, apos;cause if that bitch says itapos;s not good enough or something, I�may puke or punch or something.

Went through another round of conversion stuff Sunday, that was a clusterfuck and a half. Things got stopped, things got massive amounts of delayed, other nonsense. Plus this one girl who works the weekends with me like every weekend (donapos;t get me wrong, I�appreciate the help) CONSTANTLY COMPLAINS. "This doesnapos;t line up", "This is tedious",�"Iapos;m a whiny brat", etcetera. It totally pisses me off. Iapos;m doing the hardest ones myself so thereapos;s less margin for error on them, donapos;t bitch to me, woman

Maybe I can have Wednesday morning off if we finish this shit by end of Tuesday. Hereapos;s hoping I�get sleep.

In other news, my mom is out of town with her parents, her aunt is dying. This lady is super cool and Iapos;m very sorry itapos;s happening, but sheapos;s had a long, hard, fun life and she says sheapos;s ready to go. She was put on morphine last week and sheapos;s still hanging on, but itapos;s only a matter of time.

Sheapos;s been gone since Wednesday, so weapos;re getting to the point where weapos;re running out of food and I�have to utter the dreaded question "Dad, can I�borrow your debit card and go to the grocery store?". Heapos;ll say no. Heapos;d rather me starve than let me borrow his debit card and I�know heapos;s not going to go shopping this week. Why? Paranoia. Of what?�Not sure. He wonapos;t even tell my mom his pin number. Wow. Maybe Iapos;ll get lucky and Mom will have left one of her plastic cards at home on accident. Then I can just not say anything.

I got my halloween costume I am going to be a gansta Itapos;s totally cool, itapos;s this dress with red faux-patent leather trim and belt. Itapos;s a mini-skirt I think itapos;s the first time EVER that Iapos;ve worn a miniskirt. I got fishnet stockings and this SUPER AWESOME garter with a little tiny holster and little tiny cap gun to sit on my hip. And a pinstripe hat to match my pinstripe dress. Iapos;ve already got my hair planned and I�found the PERFECT jewelry to go with it. I�am so excited Somebody plan a party and invite me so Iapos;ll have somewhere to wear it :D
diamond emerald prince, diamond emerald platinum ring, diamond emerald pendant, diamond emerald necklace, diamond emerald marquise set.

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